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  The jury said `Not Guilty`     A woman police officer     Special police forces...    
714948 713445 735471
# 714948
July 25, 2006

# 713445
July 23, 2006

# 735471
July 22, 2006

  A bodyguard     Security measures during...     Anti-globalists protest    
713287 709803 709388
# 713287
July 22, 2006

# 709803
July 15, 2006

# 709388
July 15, 2006

  Anti-globalists protest     Anti-globalists protest     Anti-globalists protest    
709802 709387 709629
# 709802
July 15, 2006

# 709387
July 15, 2006

# 709629
July 15, 2006

  A young russian policeman...     OMON - Special Police...     G8 Summit in St.Petersburg    
716496 708971 708965
# 716496
July 14, 2006

# 708971
July 13, 2006

# 708965
July 13, 2006

  G8 Summit in St.Petersburg     Russia fights for intellectual...     Russia fights for intellectual...    
708964 708825 708826
# 708964
July 13, 2006

# 708825
July 12, 2006

# 708826
July 12, 2006

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