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  Protest against censorship...     Search in the street     Illegal workers in Moscow    
685203 687588 687586
# 685203
April 16, 2006

# 687588
April 16, 2006

# 687586
April 16, 2006

  Search in the street     Search in the street     OMON - elite russian police...    
687587 687590 687591
# 687587
April 16, 2006

# 687590
April 16, 2006

# 687591
April 16, 2006

  Street scuffle     `INQUISITION` exhibit...     Anti fascist protest in...    
684766 685255 683861
# 684766
April 14, 2006

# 685255
April 14, 2006

# 683861
April 11, 2006

  Anti fascist protest in...     Iksha prison for teenagers     Iksha prison for teenagers    
683983 683643 683644
# 683983
April 11, 2006

# 683643
April 06, 2006

# 683644
April 06, 2006

  Iksha prison for teenagers     Iksha prison for teenagers     Iksha prison for teenagers    
683637 683636 683635
# 683637
April 06, 2006

# 683636
April 06, 2006

# 683635
April 06, 2006

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