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  Arrest of the criminal     Arrest of the criminal     Car crash    
673436 673437 673868
# 673436
March 10, 2006

# 673437
March 10, 2006

# 673868
March 10, 2006

  Vladimir Zhirinovsky     Vladimir Zhirinovsky     A prisoner in the window    
672767 672735 672852
# 672767
March 07, 2006

# 672735
March 07, 2006

# 672852
March 07, 2006

  Palestinian embassy     Cool Russian police cars     Fleming Rose in Moscow    
671754 671760 663437
# 671754
March 03, 2006

# 671760
March 01, 2006

# 663437
February 09, 2006

  Demonstration in support...     Demonstration in support...     Demonstration in support...    
660968 660969 660970
# 660968
February 01, 2006

# 660969
February 01, 2006

# 660970
February 01, 2006

  Police taking the oath...     Alexy Mikheev     Bitter frost in Moscow    
660242 659963 657287
# 660242
January 31, 2006

# 659963
January 30, 2006

# 657287
January 23, 2006

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