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  Uniform for russian police...     Uniform for russian police...     Uniform for russian police...    
761015 761009 761005
# 761015
October 27, 2006

# 761009
October 27, 2006

# 761005
October 27, 2006

  Valeri Zorkin     Police raid in St.Petersburg     Police raid in St.Petersburg    
758719 757622 757623
# 758719
October 26, 2006

# 757622
October 25, 2006

# 757623
October 25, 2006

  Police raid in St.Petersburg     Police raid in St.Petersburg     Police raid in St.Petersburg    
757388 757440 757386
# 757388
October 25, 2006

# 757440
October 25, 2006

# 757386
October 25, 2006

  Police raid in St.Petersburg     Police raid in St.Petersburg     Police officers monitoring...    
757387 757439 757352
# 757387
October 25, 2006

# 757439
October 25, 2006

# 757352
October 25, 2006

  Police officer monitoring...     Police officer monitoring...     Arrest of a criminal    
757351 757349 755632
# 757351
October 25, 2006

# 757349
October 25, 2006

# 755632
October 20, 2006

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