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  Russian police officer...     Arrest of a criminal     Arrest of a criminal    
755627 755628 755629
# 755627
October 20, 2006

# 755628
October 20, 2006

# 755629
October 20, 2006

  Arrest of a criminal     Arrest of a criminal     A symbol of old soviet...    
755631 755633 846989
# 755631
October 20, 2006

# 755633
October 20, 2006

# 846989
October 20, 2006

  Belarusian militia     Belarusian militia     Belarusian militia    
755107 755108 755109
# 755107
October 19, 2006

# 755108
October 19, 2006

# 755109
October 19, 2006

  Belarusian militia     Belarusian militia     Belarus militia (police)    
755110 755111 755354
# 755110
October 19, 2006

# 755111
October 19, 2006

# 755354
October 19, 2006

  Belarus militia (police)     Homeless teenager     Homeless teenager    
755355 755258 755255
# 755355
October 19, 2006

# 755258
October 18, 2006

# 755255
October 18, 2006

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