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Kreshcheniye or Baptism is Epiphany`s traditional Russian holiday
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January 19, 2008 13:21
Photo's ID: #1257796
Max image size: 3200x2142


Alexandro- Svirsky monastery in Leningrad region.Thousands of men and women throughout Russia stripped to their underwear and plunged into the ice-cold water to celebrate Epiphany, one of the most important holidays in the Russian Orthodox Church.To the Orthodox faithful, water blessed by a priest on Epiphany has miraculous powers, a belief that goes back to the baptism of Christ. Kreshcheniye or Baptism is Epiphany`s traditional Russian holiday. Unlike in Western Christianity, where Epiphany commemorates mainly the appearance of the infant Jesus to the visiting Magi, in the East it focuses on the appearance of the Holy Trinity during Christ`s baptism in the River Jordan. Orthodox tradition holds that any water blessed on this day whether it comes from a river, pond or simply a tap or a shower becomes Christ`s baptismal water. This water is said to stay fresh for years, wash out all sins, protect from evil and heal.

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