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BBC Films
Babanov Boris
Babelsberg Film
Baby Films
Back/face to face
Bahadir Taniover/MGM
Bahadir Tanriover
Bahram Mark Sobhani
Balakin Sergey
Balashova Tatyana
Baltimore Pictures
Bao Feifei
Baranovsky Valentine
Barbara Binstein/ StarlightPics
Barbara Johnston
Barbara L. Johnston
Barbara Stitzer
Barry Schultz
Barry Schultz / SUNSHINE
Barry Sweet
Barry Wetcher
Bart Ah You
Basalaev Alexander
Batjac Productions
Bauer Martinez Studios
Baumgarten-Prophet Entertainment
Bavaria Film
Bazhenov Victor
Beck/face to face
Bel Air Entertainment
Belinsky Juri
Belousov Sergey
Belousova Elena
Belyaev Ilya
Belyaeva Larissa
Belyanchev Alexey
Belyanchev Valentine
Belyasov Anatoly
Ben Glass
Ben Lister
Ben Melvin
Ben Melvin/Zach Bloom
Bennett Cohen/Icon SMI
Benno Grieshaber / VISUM
Benoit Delhomme
Beowulf Sheehan
Berberyan Akop
Berit Notzke/face to face
Bernard Troncale
Bernard Walsh
Bernd Arnold / VISUM
Bernd Euler / VISUM
Berry Wetcher
Beta Cinema
Beta Productions/United Artists
Beth Schneider
Beverly Hills
Bhayani/face to face
Biao Shu
Big City Pictures
Big Sky Motion Pictures
Bill Ingalls
Bill Kalina
Bill Olive
Bill Putnam
Bill Serne
Bill Sparkes
Billy Calzada
Bing Fa
Bipolar Pictures
Birgitta Kowsky / VISUM
Bjoern Goettlicher / VISUM
Bjoern Goettlicher
Bjoern Goettlicher
Bjoern Goettlicher / VISUM
Black Balloon Productions
Blacklist Films
Blet/face to face
Blotsky Oleg
Bob Charlotte / PR Photos
Bob Leverone
Bob Leverone / Sporting News
Bob Leverone/Sporting News
Bob Owen
Bob Stanton/Icon SMI
Bodrashov Konstantin
Boehringer/face to face
Bogodvid Maxim
Bogomolov Alexander
Bogomyako Sergey
Bojarshinov Feodor
Boris Spremo
Borko Dmitry
Bossa Song
Boytsov Alexey
Brad Elterman
Brad Elterman/
Brad Horrigan
Brandi Pettijohn / PR Photos
Brandy Baker/The Detroit News
Branimir Kvartuc
Brendan Fitterer
Brent Winebrenner
Brett K. Snow
Brett Marshall
Brett Ziegler
Brian Ach
Brian Baer
Brian Bahr
Brian Cassella
Brian Dowling
Brian Garfinkel/Icon Smi
Brian Ramsay
Brian Ray
Brigitte Lacombe
Brinckmann/face to face
British Screen Productions
Broadway Productions
Brodsky Vladimir
Brooks Smothers
Broomstick Entertainment
Brown Nik
Bruce Adams
Bruce Bennett
Bruce C. Strong
Bruce Chambers
Bruce Crummy
Bruce K. Huff
Bruce Lemler / PR Photos
Bruce Macaulay
Bruce McBroom
Brunnbauer/face to face
Bryan Haraway
Bryan Patrick
Bryan Smith
Bryce Flynn
Bryce Vickmark
Buddy Dolphin
Buena Vista Pictures
Buffalo Gal Pictures
Buffalo Jump Productions
Bugge/face to face
Bundin Alexander
Bunturi Nana
Burbank Studios
Butterfly Productions

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